What Presence



hell, it’s a love poem.

What Presence

You write “Her,”

and mean Everything

mean the meaning in things

beyond the skills for to say.

Mean “snow” – its ubiquity,

and “world” – the how-life

you never understand,

meaning “unaccountable.”

Your children.

Each day, and then breath,

and then seeing.


You write “She,”

or write “Hallie.”

Write her name and her flesh

(if you could).

Write her presence

again and again and again,

as your parent, your birthplace,

your burden.

You write wishing and ache

meaning “dream” and “desire,”

meaning meaning.

Meaning yes.  Meaning hope.

Meaning “here.”


But write “Her”

and mean “living.”

Meaning “friendship”

And “good-in-the-world.”

Meaning fire.

Meaning purpose

with music

and “love.”


Just writer “Her”

and mean”Being.”

N Filbert 2014

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One thought on “What Presence

  1. aubrey

    Sometimes all the words that define your affection, all the thoughts, all the phrases bow down to that single definition: “being”.

"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin