Stone Hefter in High Winds

Stone Hefter in High Winds (at Jack’s farm, Western Easter)

Maybe my mind is lost
holding the lamb
by holding the lamb -

hope and despair
not so different
after all -
as symptoms of alive

fingering rocks
in pockets
accrued structures

of meanings
“Go on”
Stone Hefter

Living Tree
Breath Brother
Sighted Singer
no division

only specular,
complicated processes -
birds, soil

plants, mammals
always skies
everywhere in light
or what is darkness for?

he said,
let there be...
and there is
in beginnings

the words
ends and means
roots to branches
seed to flower

quarks to organum
charging inspired
carbonated sparks

in the high winds

5 thoughts on “Stone Hefter in High Winds

"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin