Eau Claire

Eau Claire (for Clare)

“turns out tears don’t cause themselves, whatever the scientists say”

how do we talk about what we don’t see
in others
their beauty, grandeur, and grace,
what overwhelms and awes
is unmistakably perceived,
sensed, invisibly
like God, horror, love
wind on water, its currents

i can see the river moving
but not its source or pull -

what really matters
in any matter
the H, the O, that does not equal
wet, keeps happening
from ripples to roars to rain,
even from out my own body -
blood and piss and tears -
revising the letters

the responses
i’m learning
are silent
like praises
and weeping

even if the matters resound

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"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin