Elaborate Organisms (for my wife)

My response to this week’s Friday Fictioneer prompt (thanks Rochelle for the weekly work)

Her Body a Beehive

She lives.  She parents.  She paints.

She has pain.

She walks.  She sees.  She loves.

She speaks and she reaches.  She sleeps.  She weeps.

Occasionally, she laughs.

She thinks.  She feels.  She moves.  She listens.

She eats and drinks.  She works and worries.

She falls.  She goes on.  She fears.  She insists.


You ask me, “how? – all this!”

“Her body is a beehive of batteries – an intricate electrical network flipping switches and adapting to surge, wearing down, sparking up – each neuron, each pulse, each collective oscillation crafting her unique motricity powered with chemicals of emotion, an elaborate and interactive field of energy, an organism.”

She is.

N Filbert 2012

41 thoughts on “Elaborate Organisms (for my wife)

  1. life in relation to art

    …whenever you write to me or for me or about me, I can’t help but pause. Your words move me to ponder my self in the world. Thank you for that.

    your wife

  2. At last another Friday Fictioneer piece with third person and second person narration. Lovely. Yours doesn’t seem to have sparked quite the same level of debate as mine though…

  3. bneal817

    I will join in the chorus of “Wow!” This is simply wonderful. I just had one of those “damn, I wish I had wrote that” moments…

    Well done. ~ Ben

"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin