High on Words

Again with the word-thing!  I feel immersed and splendored with what language is and does!  Books like Ernesto Sabato’s Angel of Darkness and Macedonio Fernandez’s The Museum of Eterna’s Novel.  Adam Thirlwell’s Delighted States and Octavio Paz’ Convergences.  Eugenio Montale’s The Poet in Our Time and Jacques Roubaud’s Loop.  J.R. Firth’s Papers in Linguistics and Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments.  Madeline Gins’ Helen Keller or Arakawa or C.S. Peirce on signs.  The verbal object astounds and amazes me in its flexibility and invention, its capacities and catalystics.  Simply holds me enthralled!

For instance:  I draw a line (scribble a text) and immediately there are two parts which are inseparable.  How describe that activity?  Did I separate or unite?  Both.  The difference.  Bridge and abyss.  Rift and collapse.  Reduction and expansion.  All in this active solution, signs gestures language.  Yeesh!

Celebrate today!  Ingest and create!  Read and speak!  See what words do and ask what would there be without them, whether inner speech or conversation, engagement with the world or invention of the self.  See how far words go!

Decapitation Parables

Tornado Survivor #1 by Larry Schwarm

Parables of the Headless Baby

How incredibly easy it is to “lose our heads,” amorphous ecstasy, “head in the clouds,” illusory daydreaming, belief. The “temptation to exist” it has been called, and has been endured by our best and our brightest, from Plato to Jesus, Descartes to Nagarjuna, Shakespeare through Kant, Derrida and Joyce, to name only a very few, known for their thinking or seeing.

Or is it our bodies we lose?

A lot is told in the answering.

I for one can identify with this beat-up baby doll head, imagining the oblivious calm that might occur in the absence of smoker lungs and knotted muscles, distracted striving loins and aging jalopy’d joints. Hunger and exhaustion, labor and waste production. That I might be left, more or less, to a self to blame for satisfactions or their lack. Serenity secreted in the mind rather than constructed contradistinctly from the limbs and necessities of action. This mouth seems happily stopped, placid skinned-over ears, a pleasantly plugged nose and the solitude of inner vision. “Nirvana” another camp might call it.

But is it? Or would it be? I mean where do “space” and “time” inhere? And how about worry, panic and fear? I gladly turn emotions over to the sensory systems, but the imagination that prods them toward anxiety – is that not in my brain? And what of the “wisdom” of Helen Keller-types – that openness and fecundity – that corpus callosum of skin?

Either instance obviously ends in despair. The body inherently “feels” and feels doomed – a lifetime of bloom to decay. The change purse or trinket-drawer of mind doesn’t last long on its own without morphing to a padded cell.

So is “decapitation” really what occurs? They say the gaffer will go on gabbing once removed, but the muscles twitch and gangle about no less, and we keep producing shit synchronic with our escaping lives.

Thus in our ecstasies and flights what is it we lose? Are we really moved “out of” “stasis,” really set a-soar? Freed of our boundaries and weight? Or are we fleeing to a smaller cave, compressing our “self” to a dark hollow like lint in a pocket?

After all, if freedom refers to space and time and opportunities of will – movement favors the body, miracles the mind.

I’m guessing de-headed bodies lie still, and unbodied faces exhibit calm because they’ve ceased to be alive. Perhaps the symbiosis is mutual torment, destructive dynamo.

In reality, they come apart quite easily.

How would one say “a head without a body is like a body without a head?” Or in other words, “we must cling to it like grim death” (Kafka)

Whatever that means, I feel caught in its clutches.

And freed to be.

N Filbert 2012


one looks…

As one improvises, on the piano”

-Wallace Stevens-

I journaled to myself how very much I enjoy the rain.

Change of key: rainy weather.

I trilled on it – from the meteorological phenomenon of the conditions of precipitation, I inevitably wake in the highest spirits, with good courage, a sense of personal human value and a fair share of blessing and luck.

Turn the page: I treat cloudy skies and falling water as if someone is being good to me.

A modulating moment, kind of pregnant pause, then a new left-hand rhythm: Why?

The previously clear melody of childhood and adolescent memories – softness and solitude, safety and comfort that raininess or “inclement” (my ass!) weather emits – enabling isolation, self-direction, personal space and a muted blurring outer world – became difficult to follow to its source.

The phrase “all’s right with the world – it’s raining!” came to mind along with a tune by Nils Frahm and the musics of Max Richter and George Winston, remote mountains and valleys and trees.

My fingers played.

My mind drummed along, the feelings were there leading the charge.

Passion piece – movement two.

Right-hand flourishing: ’cause I feel blessed, like Someone’s giving me something I want, that I like, that I wish for. Like when the sun shines down Somebody don’t like me, is a-keeping it from me, that ol’ world’s against me all those dry clear days, no matter how Springy and delicious or moderate and breezy, no, without precip It don’t like me, It don’t give a damn – but while raining I’m in love

Transition and bridge: How can weather be for or against you man? Dem skies is neutral, and repeat.

Chorus breaks in with bravura: Rain is for me, the clouds protect; the sun it rapes my ass

Staccato cries harsh in the bass, high notes tinkling down: grace grace grace

Key-change beginning in bass triads: but I thought you don’t believe no god

Clustered dissonance in treble: strange isn’t it, as if deities controlled the weather – blessing/ withholding; assuaging or punishing me

Rachmaninoff chords: meteorology and Fate

Scrap it…

New tune, tender and self-reflective: why would I place my power of mood in the maw of Kansas sky? Impetuous forces, schizophrenic fronts – determining my well-being?

Dominant fifths, arpeggiated: it’s crazy, it’s crazy, insane

affirmed acknowledged and chosen by rain

which has no will or intention

no character or personhood to blame

persecuted disciplined intruded by sun

helpless victimization without perpetrator

Sforzando: the Self!

Resolution: ah shit what am I? do I do? How come I elevate personal responsibility, candor and value to elements under no one’s control?

Strange Brew syncopations: it ain’t right, ain’t sensible, but I’ve lived this way so long

world as some gigantic force

for me or against me

and with my will

I interpret against

Hornlike dash scattered be-bop treble:

I call it I name it – AFRAID!

I feel so small in the face of things

powerless helpless confused

I get nothing but the space that It gives

and it hurts and it wounds and it alters

Arbitrary cadenza:

but it make no sense in the world

of people and places and things

I could choose I could feel I could be yes and say

but I give up the power to You

(nothing nothing nothing)


That ain’t no kinda life – depending on the weather

no wonder they call you crazymaker




you gots to get it in there and say what’s what

and sing

not only when it’s raining!

If’n you love that rain – you takes it with you

make it your own gray way

I say

because it’s raining

and everything

feels possible

fading out….

N Filbert 2012


Dialectical Encounter

And how do you find me? he asks, beautiful in a tragically worn way? he hopes, suggestingly

Perhaps, she thinks to herself, perhaps there is beauty there somewhere, that would be heroinic of me to uncover amid the smell and dissheveled nature of the facts, after all, he is well-spoken

At least well-spoken, reflectively thoughtful, of subtle interest? he asks as if planting tiny seeds

I want to give him that, she muses, that he’s not dangerous or threatening in his approach, aside from his appearance, which one might surmise cannot be helped but were his lot

Ah the world a fickle thing so often colluding beauty and beast as if ’twere a fairy tale, so prominent and prevalent as to be romantic ideal, like myth

He is saying – ? Is he asking something of me? she wonders, is this monologue intended dialogue or am I giving benefit where none is due?

Bewildering collisions, he mumbles, quite obviously mistakes in the arrangements of things yet so common and continual that contingencies might point to odds, advantaging abnormal

He’s losing me, occluding, incantation, I wish to return, reorganize, retreat

I can see you’ve no further thoughts on the matter though, clearly, many there be at the tip of your every apparently avid brain, the adroitness of your eyes

The looks, the looks, always with the looks, ugh

I’d rather you think on your own, as accidents are unfortunate and impertinent. Grace be to you for peaceful easy feelings and times that would allow. No use beating bush without berries – enjoy and be oh so well, as I would be, arranged just so (grief entering his breath like tenacious little office clips)

I believe that is adieu, a baffled contradictory sort of bon voyage with accompanying melancholy of the beleaguered and accustomed to wary entertainments, he who knows where limits turn distress or ill-humored, thank god, she sighs, letting blood flow a little more freely

He turns to go and takes steps mumbling about the bizarrity of mice and their traps, cute haggard mini-rodents lured by bait, offered and tasty, but with secret intentions of pain, even elimination, not even a slap by the hand that feeds, but an almost complicit lure, disorganism’d, wonders if that’s a metaphor for public masking, to judge by appearances, he thinks

Whew, that was taxing without effort, she deflates, only now realizing how long her breath had held. What is it about hideous beauty that so spasmodically intrigues? Neither heads nor tails but the effect of the toss that unsettles, a perturbance and half-feigned interest in outcome, that it fall behind or ahead, only not now, she thinks, only be done, that is, outside present

As the pebbles tumble into cracks, inner speech hums, so encounter, his feet drudging loose bits of gravel on sidewalk, heart hoping else, legs sure of circular motion, a traveled sphere, a hamster’s wheel of wish after wish after a further furthering, each stepping distance, he whistles, he hums

Returning to the matter at hand, so distinct from what happens, she works to regain her fiction of what she was doing, but it’s those singular cracks that cause the walls to give, eventually, it turns out concentration and illusion are sometimes hard, headphones help

like the chatter of birds, the way the moments rush in and evolve noise, a void, his memory already blurred and rascally, the foregoing of who’s who and where’s that and what’s what, just some numb direction that becomes a track or path, he believes, or once thought he believed as he began, beginning again wishing the mind were silent, absent like the deafening city, submersible

as if there were an assignment, an order submitted to or taken, what remind could provide, arbitrary instruction, a purposing, a matter, at hand, only the same things as before, which were there to fill time, promote process, becoming ends

and fades

sits, and stares

N Filbert 2012

Reprehensible oversight

How could I have….?  (and there must be so many more!)

bowed in remorse and wonder….

Georgi Gospodinov


E. M. Cioran

instant and eternal delights

Family Reading Guide

I have been seeking a pdf version of Ronald Sukenick’s essay “The New Tradition” which I read in a wonderfully rich and challenging book of his called “In Form.”  So far I haven’t been able to find it available online but wanted so badly to provide a link to the actual text that some of you might pursue it that far and come to take it into your psyches and bodies.  Please believe me it is worth the time and effort to Inter-Library Loan this title (In Form) or uncover some of the essays therein.  I urgently recommend his work to you!  Particularly his nonfiction/essay works – from Wallace Stevens to Narratology…take delight and courage!!


This fictional life

Turning, Turnings Back


He (neuter) sets out.

In the world where “to know is to be,” he sets out.

Something changes.

In another world, “to be is to know” must pertain.

He turns back.


He sets out.

Into the webbing of things.

A world made of “being and having.”

He does not have. He will not be.

He turns back.

Into a world of “being and nothingness”

laid over “being and time.”

His time full of nothingness,

he ceases to be.

He turns back.


He sets out.

He enters a way

through a veil

marked “Nirvana.”

He is now/here.

He turns back.


He sets out.

He encounters.

A lover, a friend, a parent, a child.

He sets out.

He encounters.

A mountain, vocation, a suffering, a tree.

He turns back.

Part of the way.

He sets out.

Into starry realms

where “life is but a dream.”

He sings and believes.

He loves and he grieves.

He turns back.


He sets out. Numerically.

Where one is always one.

And one plus two is anything.

He stands at the ocean.

He turns back.

Setting out.


He’s set out.

He’s been seen.

He cannot forget

what he became

in that look.

Turning in.


He sets out.

Finding nothing in being

having the time

knowing a being

being the knowing.

He turns back.

A little way.


He sets out.


and pressed from all sides.

He takes space

and needs air.

He tunnels

turning back

always setting forth.

He sets out

carrying experience

in so many hands,

turning back

and all around

to set out

settling in.


He turns back,

holding hands,

they set out

and remain

turning about

and setting out.

N Filbert 2012