Writing Prompt

I have been attempting to take part in Madison Woods organized Friday Fictioneers which has been very enjoyable and a fantastic exercise – particularly to see the many figments of minds operating on a singular prompt – how various persons / how various world!  I came across this sentence standing on its own in the midst of a story by Lynne Tillman recently and it just will not leave my head.  I thought “a picture is worth a thousand words!?” – how about “these words are worth a billion pictures!?”  I’m sharing them here hoping they might also inspire in many of you reams of stories…And I’d love to receive links to the works that you create with/in/from them – any length, any time.  Here’s the sentence:

“In an embrace, something may be confirmed, avoided, or resolved.”

-Lynne Tillman from her story “Phantoms” in This is Not It

5 thoughts on “Writing Prompt

  1. “In an embrace, something may be confirmed, avoided, or resoved.” The embrace if a power device, even a weapon. It can cause surrender, it can conceal intentions, it can deny feelings, it can reveal truths, it can convey love. Like in all things, the embrace should be used caringly, not sparingly, because life being short and uncertain, the greatest risk is not having loved.

  2. Pingback: Embraces « manoftheword

"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin