Água Viva – Clarice Lispector and reading the invisable text. (Book Review)


Lisa Thatcher

The journey one takes toward Clarice Lispector has a great deal to do with the way she is read. I came to her through Helene Cixous, and therefore she (CL) has become inseparable from me, as I experiment with my reading of her, paying almost as much attention to my internal carry-on-chorus that wobbles along side my conscious movement from word to word in the linear structure. Clarice Lispector exists for me outside the text, using the context defined “inner world” to stretch out and beyond into the borderless “outer world”. It is her ability to create this (anti)structure that separates her work from “stream of consciousness” or circular topic based narratives. I read a lot of experimental fiction that tires to appear deliberate when marrying avant-garde techniques such as experiments with grammar, reflexive thinking/acting and searching for the space between the words, but hers is the only writing I…

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"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin